One size does not fit all

February 21st 2017

The cool part of the design.

When I first created the Drum pendant it was to be worn by a women. The feature that I wanted to implement was the ability to wear the pendant both vertically and horizontally. This is why the pendant has a Dhari/Dhoeri and Star on both the front and back. One orientated for vertical display and the other for horizontal. Shown below hanging on a neoprene necklace.

With the horizontal wearing of the pendant the chain, in particular the chain end, has to be able to pass through the narrowest part of the pendant which is the middle. For the size of chains that most women wear this is not too much of a problem but we always check.

A problem for men who want to wear the pendant.

For many mens size chains however they simply cannot pass through a pendant this size. For some size chains even passing through the internal hole for vertical wearing is not possible.

One solution would be to make a bigger pendant but this pendant is already quite large at 3.5cm in length. It is also quite heavy and a substantial increase in gold weight would more than likely price it out of most peoples budget.

The solution for men - a compromise

I decided to implement a simple adjustable bail to the top so that it could be easily altered to suit any size chain but did not distract from the pendant too much. The down side is that the pendant can only be worn vertically.

Being a one sided pendant now the Dhari/Dhoeri and star are only on the front. This is the back view.

Before I sell any of these pendants the first thing I do for customers is edit photos so that they can see the size of the pendant around their neck. I will also make sure that to the best of my ability the chain you intend to wear it on will fit. If it won`t then there is no point in you purchasing the pendant.

If you have any questions as always please ask.

News, Info, ChainDavid Taylor