What a load of rubbish - Devil's Pool
October 2023
A small cascade on the way to Devil’s Pool, 7th October 2023.
My wife has been ill the past week so I have stayed close to home. My plans to explore new areas outside of Cairns were put on hold again this week. Late Saturday I decided to go for a walk into Devil’s Pool in Barron Gorge.
Devil’s Pool, June 2020.
The pool is huge and known by many locals. On weekends during summer you will almost always find people swimming there.
I have visited it many times over the years. I prefer to go on a week day when I can usually have the spot to myself.
Devil's Pool, August 2022.
My visits are usually in the late afternoon and I perch myself on top of a rock and sit and watch the waterfall. I prefer to swim elsewhere where there are not huge eels.
Previous blog Post: The legend of the giant Eels
Devil’s Pool, 7th October 2023 late afternoon.
On this visit last Saturday the waterfall was beautiful. They often say that it is not what you put in a photo but what you decide to leave out that makes it better. There was something very sad at Devil’s Pool this day that I have excluded from this photo.
Devil’s Pool, 7th October 2023 just before sunset.
This year during the heavy rain a lot of rubbish was washed up onto the rocks with the usual driftwood. I get asked from time to time how to get to some of the spots that are lesser know than Devil’s Pool. This photo above shows why I am often very reluctant to reveal how to get to some spots.
The multi purpose garbage bag always in my camera bag.
I always carry a garbage bag in my camera bag. I use them as a raincoat, something to sit on or to protect my camera gear. I also use it on days like this to carry rubbish out.
What a load of rubbish, Devil’s Pool, 7th October 2023.
I only had one garbage bag but I could have filled many more. I will do a few more trips back in over the next few weeks to bring out more.
Devil’s Pool, September 2022.
It breaks my heart that someday this wonderful location could be so full of rubbish that it will be spoiled. It also makes me very protective of locations that I know very few people visit.
The rubbish back at the car.
BTW, thongs are not appropriate footwear to be roaming around Barron Gorge in. No wonder there are so many broken and lost. Other things in the trash are bottles, lighters, aerosol cans and even a garden hose nossle. I realise a lot of this has washed down from Kuranda into the Pool but it does not make it any less tragic.
If you ever visit Devil’s Pool please take a garbage bag with you to carry some rubbish out. I hope you find none but if you do you will be prepared.