Too much of a good thing......again.

Early February 2025

A very muddy Barron River in the background of a drowned flower.

FNQ is getting hammered with rain again. I love walking in the rain but I think I may have forgotten that fact. When I was talking to a friend last week they asked if I had been out with my camera and my answer was “no. it has been raining too much.”

With the motorbike still not finished (but getting closer, tyres arrived on Friday :) I decided to go for a walk into Barron Gorge. As I walked along the road Barron River was a sea of mud and flowers on the banks looked like they had drowned.

Very dark in the rainforest as I made my way up the hillside.

Along the road there had been fresh landslides so I would need to be very careful as I make my way up the hillside. Shortly after taking this photo it started raining. As I looked up at the clouds I could see lots of large tree branches that had fallen and now sat suspended in vines above waiting to make their way to the rainforest floor. I needed to be careful what I walked over and under.

With this photo I could have in camera made it brighter or pulled up the shadows in editing to make it look like I had good light but it was dark in there and that is the way I want to remember it.

The sun pokes out for my swim at Rainbow Falls.

By the time I had made it up to Dragon Falls the rain had stopped and I even got a bit of sunshine sneek through the clouds like a spotlight. The recent deluge had introduced some new deadfall to the base of the falls. Nice, now I am keen to see what has changed at other spots :)

Roots hanging over the deadfall indicating how high the water was flowing.

It would have been just a day or too ago and the water would have been raging over the deadfall on the right with the roots hanging over it.

I have a few more things to finish on the motorbike and then I will be able to get out and about to some new locations. A little less rain would be nice!