A touch less weight = a lot of money

27th October 2022 - Customer location: Cairns

1.44 carat Emerald cut diamond.

As diamonds reach milestone weights like 1 and 1.50 carat the price per carat increases greatly. This means that often a gem slightly under those milestones weights can be a great alternative on a budget without losing too much diamond width/length. The important thing is for the diamond to be properly proportioned all round.

On the left above is a well proportioned 1 carat round diamond. On the right another diamond that weighs 1 carat but the proportions are off with too much weight in the depth as shown in the second photo.

Poorly proportioned diamonds can also have less brilliance than a well proportioned one. The same applies with diamonds that have too much weight in the width.

I have seen over the years many diamonds that people proudly declared were 1 carat round cuts that had the diameter of closer to a .90 carat diamond. They would have been better of purchasing a smaller well proportioned diamond in my opinion.

The symmetry on this D colour VVs2 clarity emerald cut diamond is gem laboratory graded at the highest grade of “Excellent”.

On first exploring this design direction at other jewellers the customer was told to avoid the double band design.

I had no issues making it. The important point in the creation of this style is to ensure that the two bands are thick enough (width is different) and that the joiner section at the base goes around far enough. In the end neither effect the security of the diamond which is the most important issue.

If she does have issues with the band deforming once we determine her “normal wear'“ we can modify the design in the remake as this is her proposal ring.

Article: The proposal ring

Behana Gorge

From My World this week one of the amazing trees in Behana Gorge that have grown on top of, through and around rocks. In the next couple of months this area will all go under water and I will not be able to access it. For now it is one of my favourite swimming holes. Have a great weekend.